Reasons for Getting Spam Emails from Dating Sites 

While marketing strategy is the most common reason why you’d get any spam email, the same can be said for dating sites as well. 

Apart from that, there are other reasons why you could be getting the same when it is totally irrelevant to you:

Unknown actions 

You may have unknowingly clicked on a site or done something to get the site or dating app’s attention to you. Sometimes when you’re browsing the internet, you can be connected to a hyperlink or so in a jiffy and before you know it, you clicked on it! It could also be that you signed up to the site with or without the knowledge or checked out stuff from that site even decades ago. Spam emails need just one click to get to you!

Search data 

If you have searched the dating site in the past for whatever reasons or even searched any keywords relating to the site, you could be a victim of spam emails. Dating sites use keywords and when you use these keywords, you’re redirected to websites. You may have done the same for whatever reasons and the site now has your ID to send you spam emails. Maybe you were writing an article, maybe you wanted to know the meaning of a word or any other reason. Keywords are powerful! 

Just a coincidence 

Sometimes it is a coincidence that you received a spam email from a dating site. It could have nothing to do with you and could have been sent just by fluke. If it happens rarely or only once or twice, it’s safe to say that this could be the case. 

Mailing list 

Marketing agencies and companies purchase email lists from others to enhance their network. Your mailing list could supposedly have been with sites similar to a dating site. Maybe your email is listed with any other site like jobs, hobby-related, or any other site. It is not certain where dating websites purchase their email lists from. If you happen to be in it, you get spasms and emails galore! 

Through other apps 

You may have found advertisements for dating sites even though they don’t pertain to you while browsing other apps. You may have been looking up wedding ideas or were searching for a nice place to have a date. You could also be watching a romantic movie and you’ll see advertisements and click-links for dating apps. This is just another marketing strategy that gets your attention and ID from other sources to the site.

What can be done? 

If you don’t like receiving emails from dating sites or find it troublesome, you can always get rid of them. You can do this via: 

Unsubscribing from the message you received, the option should be just below the message Blocking or reporting the email ID from which you received the mail You can also mark the email ID and send it directly to spam emails instead of your general mailbox so whether it comes or not, you don’t have to be troubled by the same.  


Sometimes you may have willingly signed up not knowing you’ll be bombarded with emails. Sometimes you may have accidentally clicked and got signed in. Sometimes you may have nothing to do with it and still receive emails from dating sites. It is no problem and is a very understandable situation. 

Don’t worry or think that you have done something wrong if you get these emails and are not in the category for the same. You can always ignore them or follow the steps to get rid of them too! 

Should I reply to a spam email sent by a dating site? 

Dating sites don’t send spam emails with an expectation of a reply. If you’re interested, there is usually a link in the message or the message itself leads to the site. If you want to complain or get rid of it, replying is not suggested, try blocking or unsubscribing.

Can I delete spam emails from dating sites without reading them?

Yes. you can delete a spam email like any other without reading it, it’s just a matter of a click!