The Main Reasons Why French Bulldogs Are Expensive Are:

Health ProblemsDifficulties in breeding Popularity Gender of the dog Varies from country to country

Health Problems

The one all of us fear in dogs is nothing but health problems, French bulldogs have many health problems, and the treatment for these problems can be very expensive. 

The easiest way of dealing with these problems is to get insurance, this will help you in any way possible. Now let’s talk about the health problems of a French Bulldog: –

Allergies – just like ours Brachycephalic Airway syndrome – breathing issues Cherry Eye – a red bright mass occurring from the eye Cleft Palate – A mouth-related problemDeafness – hearing problemHeat Stress – these dogs are more vulnerable to heatstroke than other dog breedsLaryngeal Collapse – larynx problem Tracheal collapse – damage to the trachea and leads to collapse

Difficulties in breeding 

It is not a simple task for a French bulldog’s breeding. You have to pay a whopping 7000 dollars to breed a French bulldog. It is very hard for them to habituate due to their extremely tiny hips. Therefore, it is difficult for them to give birth naturally. 

C-section – removal of puppies from the uterusArtificial Insemination – impregnation of a female dog 

The breeding expenses can also be increased by vet expenses, dog food, and housing. There is no doubt about it, raising French bulldogs is a hard-core job that requires a lot of time, money, and effort.


The popularity of a French bulldog is the third reason why they are pricey, a club ranking shows that the French bulldog stands 2nd in position in popularity. 

The reasons why everyone is interested in purchasing a French bulldog

They are the most hilarious, lovable, and have the most unique personalities that a dog must have. They keep you occupied all day and they are super friendly and entertaining throughout your boring day. They are always by your side and they don’t like to be alone. Therefore, a French bulldog is considered an ideal partner in my point of view.

Gender of the Dog

An extra amount of fee is asked for your pay to pay based on the gender of the dog. Because forecasting the number of males and females cannot be done precisely. So, if you have chosen a particular gender go on with it. If you are not particular about the gender of the dog you may save a couple of dollars/Rupees. 

Varies from country to country 

The Stipulation of French bulldogs varies from country to country. Some countries like the US, Australia, and the UK are high in demand for dog breeds. Australia is among the popular countries in French bulldogs. 

However, they are sold at a whopping 10,000 dollars within regions that are experienced with a comparable effect. the French bulldogs are expensive in northern parts of the UK, and not in the southern towns.

The most expensive French bulldog was around 100,000 dollars and was named micro machine.

The most expensive French bulldog color is: – Blue, Lilac, and Chocolate.

The history of the French bulldog 

Going back to 18th century England, where it all began. The French bulldog was recognized as a working dog, it was used in the transportation of goods and towing. They were working along with the horses. 

They were used as watchdogs. The French bulldog was contemplated as an ugly dog, people recognized them as a resemblance of a pig and a sheep. Due to this, they were called French poodles as a nickname.

Finally, the French bulldog was popularized across Europe by the end of the 19th century. During the 19th century, the French bulldog evolved throughout this time and became even more experienced. Soon the breeders were focusing on the quality that made the dogs more friendly animals.


The maintenance and the cost of a French bulldog can be a huge task. It has gained a lot of popularity in recent times. Due to its health problems, it has become more expensive. Some people believe that this dog is just another designer dog. It is also considered an uncommon breed of dog. 

Considering the qualities and characteristics of the dog, we can easily buy a new puppy or an adult French bulldog. These dogs deserve love and attention regardless of their pricey menus.