There are more than 25000 species of orchids distributed across the world. In ancient times, orchids were considered a symbol of love, luxury, and passion. It still symbolizes the same. In Feng shui, Orchids are the carrier of positive energy, love, and happiness. Thus Orchids are always in great demand. However, Orchids are challenging to grow. They are rare, extremely beautiful with vibrant colors, and very expensive. 


Orchids are primitively from Asia and Australia and were exported to Europe from the Bahamas. Due to extreme climate changes, it was very unlikely for these plants to survive in America and nearby countries. Most of the imported plants withered and few that survive are sold at an exuberant price. It is only at the end of the 19th century, that Orchids were grown in these areas with the help of the latest agricultural techniques. 

Rare Plant

Even today, few species of Orchids are awfully rare. Deforestation has led to the destruction of their natural habitat. Few species of Orchids such as Fairrie’s Paphiopedilum, Hawaiian Bog Orchid, and Zeuxine Rolfiana have their count as low as 50. A variety of orchids known as the Rothschild slipper orchid grows only in Malaysia and costs $6,000 for one flower.

Need for Right Environment

Orchids are exotic plants that need the right temperature, sunlight, humidity, nutrition, and proper care. If any one factor is not available abundantly, the plant will not grow. The plants are exceptionally fragile and if their stem or leaves are damaged, they way quickly die. 

Expensive Accessories

A Cultivator needs specialized expensive accessories and equipment for growing Orchids. They need to buy extravagant orchid grow light for providing optimum light for its development. It is a continuous expenditure as a grow light can be used only for 10,000 hours.

Cultivators also need to purchase specialized containers for their growth. Orchids cannot grow in regular pots and require different potting mix. These specialized pots and potting mix increase its production cost considerably. 

Difficulty in Seed Collection and its Germination

It is very troublesome to collect seeds from Orchid plants. They are difficult to clone and take a long time to reach blooming size. In short, it requires a lot of time, patience, and money to cultivate Orchids.

Difficult to Transport

Orchids are available without roots, which makes them difficult to transport. Many plants die during transportation and thus increase the price of those that endure. 

Large Demand

Orchids are always in great demand. They are considered status symbols and people like to showcase them in their offices and homes. They are extensively used in decorations due to their vibrant colors, beauty, fragrance, interesting shapes, etc. 

Few Expensive Orchids

Shenzhen Nongke Orchid is an unnatural orchid, that takes five years to blossom. It cost around $200,000 apiece.  Gold of Kinabalu Orchid is found only in Malaysia’s rain forest that grows at a height of 500-1200 meters above sea level. It is very difficult to grow and takes many years to grow. It costs $6000 apiece.  Hochstetter’s Butterfly Orchid is isolated to a volcanic ridge on the Azorean island of São Jorge in Portugal. It blooms in June – July, and costs around $6000 a stem.


Humans are curious creatures. They love to explore and find new things. Orchids are one such plant that attracts human curiosity due to their color combination, shape, petal arrangement, and long blooming time. Some varieties of Orchids are worth a fortune and ultra-rich people are ready to spend a fortune on them. However, many varieties are not very expensive but very beautiful. So if you like beauty but do not have deep pockets, you can buy these non-expensive Orchids and enjoy the beauty of nature. 

Q: I want to grow orchids in my home garden. Which species should I start with?

A: The best orchid for beginners is the phalaenopsis orchid or “moth orchid”. These are resilient against negligence and take less time to blossom. 

Q: Which country has the largest collection of Orchid varieties?

A: Ecuador has the largest collection of native orchids. It has more than 3500 varieties of Orchids available.

Q: Are Orchids poisonous to pets?

A: Orchids are considered safe for cats and dogs but they are poisonous to rats and birds. It is advisable to protect pets to eat them in large quantities. 

Q: Can I water my orchid with normal tap water?

A: Tap water consists of various chemicals such as chlorine, fluoride, etc. that are harmful to Orchid health. It is advisable to water your plant by collecting rainwater or distilled water. You can also boil water and cool it before using it.