If you’ve had your account blocked in the past 14 days, contact customer service and ask them to unblock it with your account’s linked phone number. Use another phone number to unblock your account if the linked phone number is no longer valid.

Is it possible that you are having trouble logging in? If you’re unable to log in, follow the steps below. Is it possible that your login is incorrect? All of this depends on how quickly your account was hacked.

What happens when you get blocked in WeChat? You will not receive a warning if someone blocks you in WeChat. There will, however, be a red exclamation point next to every message you try to send. Also, when attempting to send a message, you will see this system-generated feedback: “This communication was successfully delivered but denied

Go to PeoplePerHour and search the WeChat keyword in the search bar. Look for a Chinese friend at a Chinese restaurant. Visit Taobao marketplaces. You can also purchase them on certain websites.

When you remove a WeChat contact, they will be deleted from your account. They won’t be able to communicate with you or engage with you in any way. If they want to add you back to their contact list, they’ll have to send you a friend request.