Why Hallmark Movies Should Be Cancelled?

The quality of a film is determined by its story. Hallmark movies, on the other hand, are devoid of this element. The key ingredients that make a movie good, according to “filmdaft,” are when the acting, directing, writing, camera work, and overall production value all come together to tell a unified, entertaining, and impactful story. In simple terms, a great movie uses every one of these movie-making tools to tell a compelling story that keeps you enthralled.

A movie can sometimes follow a structure too closely, making it feel like a thousand other movies we’ve seen before. Within that scenario, the viewer will find the movie to be too boring and predictable, and they will be less invested in the story because they will not be wondering what will happen next. A good script will keep you assuming while also satisfying your sensitivity. That is where plot devices come in handy by placing a minute detail early in the storyline that returns and pays off at the climax, the audience will be astonished and yet also pleased.

The story’s ability to unveil a perspective about the world or the subjective human experience is part of what makes a good movie that makes a person relate to it. People have been using stories to share information about profound facts, share past heritage, and send messages or ideas for centuries. Because storytelling is a more refined means of communication, in which different people with different thought processes can make different meanings out of the same story. People have become more aware and tactical as a result of industrialization and globalization. A small plot twist used to be enough to astonish the audience, but in recent years, as people have become more intellectual and critical, it has become more difficult to impress the audience. The demands of today’s audiences are higher. 

Expectations from a good movie

Good movies should entrap the audience in a way that they would be able to make sense of what’s going on and appreciate all of the plot twists while still having a good time watching them. Delaying disbelief by engrossing them in the movie’s world and potentially causing them to experience the emotions the movie wants them to feel. Great films, as a result, produce a scenery that is much more credible and engrossing. Whenever there is an unsteady performance, strange storytelling, or an unbelievable plot twist, moviemakers risk upsetting the audience and jeopardizing the overall quality of the movie. 

Problem with Hallmark movies

Hallmark movies have been cancelled and accused of lacking thrills and emotional resonance, with a closing that can be predicted from the start of the movie. A large percentage of the movies feature an aspirant lady or gentleman who is going with the flow of their lives while secretly yearning for a greater purpose. She has most likely been hurt by a guy and prefers to focus on her career rather than a relationship. Then they meet someone who, while likely struggling, is ready to enlighten them and show them how beautiful and meaningful their existence is. Following that, they fall in love, make up an absurd reason why they can’t be together, stay apart for a while, and then reunite during the Christmas season; a season when everyone can have a second opportunity to experience the divine intervention of Christmas throughout the year long.

Later on, they loosen up and allow the uplifting, endearing person for whom they initially denied their feelings to free them of their self-centered habit and inform them to value the friends and family they had forgotten about for the previous few years. The potential partner is typically an ex or an old close friend who reminds them how wonderful their existence would be if they just took a minute to look around them. Hallmark movies will always be associated with corniness and predictability. Their films are clichéd, with cheesy lines and predictable endings, as well as tacky acting and unrealistic storylines. Our lives are full of ups and downs, and that is what allows the love we have so unique. A realistic film is preferable to that which gives false hope for life and future relationships.

Even though many people believe Hallmark movies are the best Christmas movies, they have many negative consequences. Hallmark movies have struggled to adapt new and interesting stories that captivate and keep their audiences on their feet. They are most likely stuck in the past and unwilling to accept new ways of life. Hallmark movies can change and reconfigure an audience’s brain in such a way that you begin to see life in the unrealistic manner that Hallmark has conveyed to you through their movies. Then you do very little in the hopes of experiencing a Christmas miracle and living happily ever after.

Hallmark movies have the potential to change an audience’s romantic preferences and cause a schism in relationships. With the plot of most Hallmark movies always featuring the right partner who never does wrong and is often the perfect partner, audiences may be fooled into believing that their partner has to be perfect like those shown in Hallmark movies, which are extremely corrosive lies.

In general, Hallmark movies are a good choice for hopeless romantics who don’t want to face reality and prefer unrealistic storylines with predictable endings. Hallmark movies, however, lack the elements required for a good film and should thus be canceled.