The Technomancer definitely looks cool, but I’m no stranger to Spiders’ games, and it makes me wary. The last two titles they put out, Mars: War Logs and Bound by Flame, were rough to say the least. Mars: War Logs which is the first game in the (now) series was a diamond in the rough - the story was interesting and the main character, while being a pretty stereotypical tough guy, was still pretty likable. But despite the cool setting, the game had some glaring flaws: poorly paced social strings (went straight from meeting someone to them declaring their love for me), the length of the game, and general jankiness made it pretty hard to recommend to people who didn’t like RPGs and cyberpunk.

The game they released after that was…not very good. Don’t get me wrong, Bound by Flame really tried. But the lackluster characters, forgettable protagonist, and boring plotline just killed it for me as far as narrative-driven RPGs go. And the jank didn’t get any better, either. 

The big question is: Can Spiders learn from its mistakes and deliver this time?

What I’ve seen of The Technomancer looks really good, and if they’ve fixed the issues they’ve had in the past, I’ll play the hell out of it. I’m just not sure if that’s going to happen. I guess I’ll find out when the game drops in 2016 for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

What about you? Are you hyped for Technomancer, or do you have reservations of your own? Let me know in the comments!