The letter guarantees that Wells and Bly were terminated after she disappeared and experience since experienced issues securing new positions.

The family’s media facilitator expressed on YouTube that a subsequent letter to Summer Wells will most likely be made public soon.

While guaranteeing that the case is as yet open and continuous, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation will not offer some other subtleties.

At the point when she was most recently seen, Summer was 40 pounds and around 3 feet tall. She might have been shoeless when she escaped and was wearing a pink top and dim pants.

Moreover, on June 15 and 16, the driver of a red pickup truck was spotted close to Ben Hill Road in Rogersville. Both regular stepping stool racks and white pails in the bed were there.

Specialists say they are as yet investigating all choices as they keep on analyzing into Summer’s vanishing.

— Deborah Trimm (@deborah_trimm) July 20, 2022

Examiners guarantee that they have completed many court orders and logged innumerable worker hours into the case over the course of the last year. There is as yet an Amber Alert set up.

Likewise, both of Summer’s folks have a past filled with criminal way of behaving, and Rose Marie Bly, Bly’s sister, was accounted for missing from Wisconsin in 2009 in a strange case.