FaceTime normally requires a WIFI connection or cellular data to operate. In some cases, even with a cellular connection, FaceTime shows an error. There can be multiple reasons for it.

1- Cellular Data specified: Go to Settings>Cellular Data>FaceTime, and make sure that you have selected the Cellular Data option. If it’s selected, FaceTime has been instructed to specifically use cellular data to make calls. So turn it off and check again. 

2- FaceTime disabled on your phone: Go to Settings > Screen Time > Content & Privacy Restrictions > Allowed Apps and check to make sure that FaceTime has been given the required permissions to access your location, camera, and microphone. 

3- Resetting Network options: It could be the case that there’s an issue from the network end, which is your WiFi in this specific case. Go to your phone’s Settings>WiFi and reset your network settings. Keep in mind that this will erase all the saved network passwords and you will have to re-enter them.

4- System Glitch: If you have checked everything and the issue still is unresolved, restart the FaceTime app. FaceTime doesn’t work in some cases while you’re on a call with someone else. If you’re facing this issue, try to resolve it by turning on the Airplane mode. This will turn off all the phone functions, including your ability to send and receive phone calls. When you turn Airplane mode back on, FaceTime should work again. 

Some more frequently occurring problems in FaceTime

Sometimes, when you’re on a FaceTime call, you might see an error stating “The app needs to be connected to download more data” or “Your internet connection has been temporarily interrupted”. This happens when a computer or mobile app in your background is using an (often slow) internet connection. This is another reason why it’s always a good idea to limit the amount of time you spend using apps when you’re on FaceTime.  

During a call, you’ll notice that the quality of your audio is poor. It could be because you’re on a 3G network, which doesn’t have as good signal quality as a 4G LTE network. If this is the case, get off your 3G network and try to move to a region with a better signal. Some locations with better signals are California, New York, Illinois, Florida, and Michigan.

The main reason why people love FaceTime is that it’s a great way to have a video chat with other people. You can video chat with your friends and family, and it’s a brilliant way to keep in touch with them from any corner of the world. You can also video chat with strangers, which is a great way to make new friends. 

FaceTime vs Skype: Which is better?

Skype is another popular video calling application. However, it’s a little different than FaceTime. While Skype works great over cellular data, it doesn’t work as well over 3G. So if you’re on a 3G network, you’re better off using FaceTime. Over WiFi, however, Skype is a great app to use. There’s also a noticeable difference in the quality of the call between the two platforms. FaceTime is just sharper and smoother. Skype is also free to use, but it has ads. The main difference between Skype and FaceTime is that Skype is a web-based application, while FaceTime is a standalone app.


FaceTime has been loved by users all over the world for more than a decade now. Although it has some issues that the consumers face from time to time, it still remains their favorite video calling app. It is smooth, extremely user-friendly, and free to use.

Is FaceTime only available on Apple devices?

Unfortunately, yes. FaceTime is currently only available on Apple devices. However, those with an android or a Non-Mac PC can join a FaceTime call if a link is shared with them. This option is only available to those who have at least iOS 15 or macOS 12 Monterey running on their devices.

Is FaceTime free to use?

FaceTime is absolutely free to use and is a perfect platform to make international calls around the world. However, when using a cellular network, your data will be used from your phone’s data plan.

Will I be able to run Facetime on my PC?

Yes. If you have a Mac PC, just go to google chrome and download the FaceTime extension.