Also, when there is high demand for junk food, healthy food is decreasing in number which has caused a spike in its prices.

Need for healthy food

It does not matter whether the price of healthy foods is high or low. Eating healthy food is necessary for good health.

Approx 90% of the diseases are caused due to wrong eating habits. Healthy foods are essential for good health and nutrition. To fight against any disease we need to have a proper immune system that can be built only by eating healthy foods.  Eating healthy food not only impacts our physical health but also our mental health.  It boosts all the mechanisms of our body to keep us in a proper functioning state.  Eating healthy means a healthy heart too. As per a few studies, it was found that people who did not eat healthily and followed a healthy lifestyle were at a greater risk of cardiac arrest than the ones who ate healthily.  It is also essential for strong bones and teeth as every item we consume directly impacts the health of bones, teeth and muscles.  Junk food often makes us lazy, tired, sleepy and stressed while eating healthy food provides us proper energy to do more work and keeps us fresh and active. It increases our productivity.  Eating healthy food is very essential for kids because healthy food is a building block of life. It stimulates proper growth and thus it is required in large amounts for kids.  

Healthy foods for kids

Kids are in a state of growth and have not attained maturity yet so it is essential for us to fuel their growth by making them understand the necessity of eating healthy foods. Most children today love junk food. After prolonged consumption of junk food, the kids start experiencing unusual problems like fever, headache or stomachache which we should not ignore.

What are the problems in finding healthy foods?

There is a high rise in the prices of healthy foods which makes it more difficult for people to adopt a healthy lifestyle. 

High demands for junk food have caused a dislike for healthy foods. Even kids today know how a burger or a pizza tastes. You cannot fool them by giving them cereals for meals. Seasonality is one of the major issues which makes healthy foods too expensive to buy.  Few fruits and vegetables which are sold off-season cost more than double. We import the off-season fruits and vegetables from other nations which costs us a lot.  The option of genetic modifications has helped us in availing the fruits which thrive in summers in winters too. Still, the modified fruits and vegetables cost us double.  Some fruits and vegetables are made available to us by maturing them early by inducing growth hormones in them. Eating these kinds of foods is not good for our health. So, this becomes a big issue for us.  

Climatic issues

Extreme climatic issues cause problems with the availability of fuels and fertilizers. The prices of the fertilizers rise and thus spiking the prices of fruits and vegetables.  Frost, droughts, and extreme heat also destruct the crops thus creating a scarcity of healthy foods.  The low levels of precipitation, delayed precipitation or no precipitation create a problem for the growth of the crops and plants.  Farmers suffer huge losses when the precipitation is not on time or does not occur. They have to sell the leftover produce at high rates then, which is sold at high rates in the market too. Transportation prices charged for retailing the crops to distant places also make healthy food more expensive. The more distant region, the higher the prices are!

Rising population

The rising population also adds to the high prices of healthy foods. Nature is unable to meet the demands of the growing population and due to this whatever is available is expensive. It is a difficult task to produce healthy food enough for such a large number of people. The problem of rising prices of healthy foods is making the world sick today!

What can be done?

We should provide proper assistance and guidance to everyone on how and why they should eat healthy food. People who eat healthy experience fewer physical problems. They do not need to train their bodies to look better. Gyms or fitness centres are for the people who love to eat a lot of junk food and simultaneously they want to look good and feel good. Eating healthy food can reduce the risk of obesity or bloat. It directly impacts the growth of your skin, nails, hairs, etc. People who eat healthily do not experience any mood swings and have a very stable mood.


There are many reasons why healthy food are so expensive and due to their high prices only people are unable to afford their health. The population has become dependent upon junk foods or unhealthy foods because it is easier to prepare, easy to consume and have great taste. The rise in demand for junk foods and the fall in demand for healthy food items has caused the rise in healthy food items. We should understand the value of healthy foods and should try our best not to waste them! At times the produce which farmers were taking care of is destroyed due to the climatic issues and this adds to the loss of farmers too!

In what way does healthy food impact our minds?

It has the power to control your stress, mood swings, etc.

How many times a day should I eat rice to stay healthy?

Everyone should have rice only once a day too for lunch.

How can we control the rising prices of healthy foods?

High supply can control the situation if practical and correct measures are adopted!

Why Is Healthy Food So Expensive    Explore More About It   - 43