AliExpress has a strict policy against selling counterfeit goods. If you are found to be selling counterfeit goods, your account will be locked.

Alibaba has disabled your account because you violated their Terms of Service. I’m not sure what that violation is, but it’s probably something like selling counterfeit goods or spamming people with messages about your products.

Alibaba is a Chinese e-commerce company that provides a platform for trading goods and services. Alibaba offers a variety of payment methods, including Alipay, which is a third-party online payment service. Alipay may have been disabled, or your account may have been flagged for review. If you are unable to log in to your account, please contact customer service for assistance.

You can’t delete your account. What you can do is deactivate it.

You can appeal Alibaba’s decision by following the instructions on their website.

Alibaba is a Chinese company that operates the e-commerce website The company has headquarters in Hangzhou, China and operates in more than 200 countries and territories around the world.Alibaba provides a variety of services to help businesses of all sizes and individuals trade with each other. These include wholesale trading, retail trading, payments processing, online marketing, logistics and cloud computing.The company was founded by 18 people on September 19th 1999 in Hangzhou, China.

First, you need to have a registered account on AliExpress. You can register for free.Once you’re logged in, click the “My Orders” link at the top of the page and find your order number. Click on it to go to your order details.Next, click the “Track Order” button and then select “Track Package.” You’ll be taken to a page with a tracking number and tracking link.

To verify your Alibaba account, you will need to provide a photo of a government-issued ID.

If you deactivate your account, you will not be able to login to the account again. All the products in your store will be removed and all of your listings will be unpublished.