People behave recklessly at Walmart because they believe Walmart is trashy. Walmart has a “ghetto” reputation for customers who shop in their pajamas, without shoes or even clothing, this in turn provides other consumers a reason not to worry about their appearance anytime they visit the store. In the end, this looks like a prophecy that comes true because if someone thinks Walmart is trashy, then they will care less about their appearance. 

Why is Walmart So Trashy?

Unfortunately, a lot of people think Walmart is trashy because of its troublesome customers. We’ve all seen the popular videos of “Karens” acting rudely in stores, and Walmart isn’t an exception. Additionally, because so many people go to Walmart stores every day and because smartphones record everything, anything that happens there is shared and posted right away. 

The lack of product warranties is a big pet peeve of shoppers at Walmart! This adds to the perception that Walmart is trashy, along with the previously noted low-quality materials.

Here are other reasons why Walmart is trashy: 

Walmart-Related Crime History. Walmart has been mentioned for crimes committed by employees or in its stores in several national news outlets. Even while this is an uncommon occurrence, the public attention these crimes (which range from theft to murder) have received should make anyone a little cautious! 

It’s excessively busy. It might be scary and stressful to deal with individuals from various phases of life given the multitudes of people who visit Walmart stores every day. As evidenced by the prevalence of Facebook photo groups like “seen in Walmart,” some people are happier than others, and as a result, they label other people’s appearance or behavior as trashy. Unfortunately, as long as these ignorant people keep visiting Walmart, others will continue to hold that opinion.

Poorer Demographics Are Attracted by Cheap Products. It simply makes sense that Walmart attracts people from poorer neighborhoods who want to save money because it offers some of the cheapest goods of any retailer in the country. Walmart is occasionally referred to as being trashy because it draws customers from all walks of life, which can result in perplexing sights inside the store.

Even though Walmart has raised its minimum wage three times over the previous few years, pay at the company is generally low compared to other retailers. As a result, employees can lack the drive to continue providing excellent customer service, and negative employee experiences could damage Walmart’s brand.  

Walmart’s decision to cut staff hours, which also lowers staff pay, may be seen as trashy by some. Some people might view this as a “cheap” move from the management and disrespectful to Walmart employees.

Unjustified Prices. Walmart recently had a mini-scandal in which many products had their prices abruptly cut on its official website. Many eager customers placed orders, but due to a technological glitch, Walmart announced that they would not uphold the new rates. When their orders were canceled, customers were angry and accused Walmart of being “trashy” for not offering them the cheaper price since the mistake was on their end.  

Small Businesses Are Hurt. Being the largest retailer in America and a well-known brand, Walmart can exert a monopoly-like influence over rival companies. Walmart has put many small local businesses under distress, with some even having to close down, by pricing its goods so low and giving a money-back guarantee for cheaper products acquired elsewhere.  

Different Suppliers. What was once a brand that was only created in America has slowly spread to many former customers who are now complaining about cheaply made imports. A lot of people have interpreted Walmart’s former brags as a diminution of their brand’s thriftiness and labeled them as trashy as a result of their former declarations.


Walmart has mostly earned itself a trashy reputation among some former customers as a result of sourcing materials and goods from questionable sources to keep costs low. 

While some people may appreciate the constant low prices, others believe the product is too poorly manufactured to have any redeeming attributes. This, combined with Walmart’s disruption of several small businesses’ local economies and its refusal to support any worker’s rights unions while arguably underpaying its employees, is more than enough for some people to label Walmart as a trashy retailer.

What kind of customers frequent Walmart? 

Walmart customers are frequently low- to middle-class rural families looking for an easy, convenient, and reasonably priced shopping experience.

Is Walmart beneficial to society? 

When compared to its rivals, Walmart offers services that are more affordable, and accessible. Society will gain from the switch to Walmart because of the retailer’s greater efficiency across all facets of its operations, despite the inspiring tales of hardship that may come from the collapse of rival enterprises.

What is Walmart’s biggest issue? 

Walmart has several issues, including intense competition, a poor reputation, restrictions on business acquisitions and joint ventures, and strict cultural norms in international markets. In addition, other retail establishments that have adopted a low-price strategy provide fierce competition for Walmart.