Google reviews are removed for a variety of reasons including spam, violating the Terms of Service, or if it is flagged as inappropriate.Google reviews can be removed for a variety of reasons including spam, violating the Terms of Service, or if it is flagged as inappropriate.

Yes, Google reviews can be removed. Reviews are moderated by Google’s algorithm and are removed if they violate the company’s guidelines.

Owner cannot delete Google reviews, but they can respond to the review.

The Quora community has a strict policy against spam and self-promotion. Reviews that are deemed spam or self-promotional will be deleted.

Yes, you can be sued for leaving a bad review. There are many cases where people have been sued for giving negative reviews of products or services. You should not leave a review if you don’t have a real opinion about the product or service.

Google reviews are typically there for 7-10 days, but the length of time they stay on Google is not fixed. Reviews can be removed by Google if they violate their guidelines, or if they are deemed fraudulent.

Employees are not allowed to leave reviews on Google.

Google reviews can be hidden from a business’s Google My Business page. You can do this by going to your page and clicking the “Reviews” tab. From there, you will see a list of reviews in chronological order. To hide a review, click the three dots next to the review and select “Hide.

The only way to know if you can see your review is to try and find it. Google reviews are public by default, so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to see them.

If you have a bad Google review, the best way to deal with it is to simply ignore it. The more attention you give it, the more power it has over you.