The great thing about Mystery Gifting is that it also includes a couple of skins, like Annie in Wonderland, that you can’t purchase. There are a few specifications that must be met; the gift reciever must be above Level 10, and cannot give or recieve more than 3 gifts a day. Probably to stop Smurf accounts, etc. 

However, while trying to gift a friend, you might have seen this screen: 

You might be, as I was, confused. I am Level 10, actually leveled up specifically for the Harrowing Mystery Gifting, and the person I was gifting too was also Level 10. So what is this witchcraft that is prohibiting me from accessing the Mystery Gifting service? 

A quick check of the forums revealed two things. First, I was not alone in thinking that I could Mystery Gift. After all, it showed up as something I could do when I logged into the store. Secondly, that you have to be Level 20 to engage in Mystery Gifting. 

So if you haven’t been able to do Mystery Gifting, get on leveling up your character. The Harrowing event, and therefore Mystery Gifting, ends on the 12. It will be unavailable after that point. 

Do you think that Riot was misleading about  Mystery Gifting? Sound off in the comments below.